C O N T E N T S |
Flagellates with or without chloroplasts,
phytomastigotes are possibly derived from secondary endosymbiosis of eukaryotic algae into the cells of zoomastigotes.
Choanoflagellida |
Cell body small, plastic with one anterior flagellum which is surrounded by siliceous collar;
Codosiga, Salpingoeca, etc.
Bicoecida (Bicosoecida) |
Similar to Choanoflagellates, but vase-shaped lorica (or test) is made with chitinous materials
Kinetoplastida |
One or two flagella emerging from a depression of cell body; with kinetoplast
(feulgen-positive spherical or oval body at the base of flagellum) ;
free-living (Bodo) or parasitic (Tripanosoma)
Cercomonadida |
With two flagella of unequal length, no kinetoplast; flagellar base close to parabasal body
Rhizomastigida |
"Flagellated" amoeba
Cryptophyceae |
Cell body kidney-shaped; two equal-length flagella emerged from anterior depression; Cryptomonas
Dinophyceae |
Cell body with two grooves, horizontal and vertical; with or without chloroplasts;
Peridinium, Ceratium, etc.
Euglenophyceae |
1 - 3 flagella emerging from anterior canal; with or without chloroplasts;
Euglena, Phacus, Peranema, Entosiphon, etc.
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Opalinata |
Opalinea |
Cell body covered with many cilia like ciliates, but without macro- and micronuclear differentiation
Symbionts in the intestine of frogs
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Cell body plastic with amoeboid movement,
Heliozoa contain radially-arranged axopodia, Amoeba are with or without tests.
Heliozoea |
Axopodia arranged radially;
some (e.g. Ciliophrys)
transform from heliozoa to flagellates.
Lobosea: Gymnamoebia |
Pseudopodia lobate; without tests (cell body naked);
Amoeba proteus, Mayorella, etc.
Lobosea: Testacealobosia |
Pseudopodia lobate; with tests (cell body within a test);
Arcella, Difflugia, etc.
Filosea |
Pseudopodia filamentous; with or without tests;
Gromia, Vanpyrella, Euglypha, etc.
Granuloreticulosea |
Pseudopodia reticular; with or without tests;
Biomyxa, etc.
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Cell body covered with cilia, nulcei differentiate to macro- and micronuclei,
cilia also differentiate to unique structures (cirri, membranelle, etc), many species.
Karyorelictea |
Miacronuclei are produced from micronuclei at each cell division;
Loxodes, etc.
Heterotrichea |
Cell body large, mostly contractile;
Stentor, Blepharisma, etc.
Spirotrichea |
Adoral zone well-developed;
Euplotes, Stylonychia, etc.
Prostomatea |
Cytostome apical; cell body cylindrical or spherical in shape;
Coleps, Prorodon, etc.
Litostomatea |
Cytostome subapical; cell body laterally compressed; with or without toxicysts;
Loxophyllum, Dileptus, Lacrymaria, etc.
Phyllopharyngea |
Chilodonella, Suctoria, etc.
Nassophorea |
Nassula, Paramecium, Frontonia, etc.
Oligohymenophorea |
Tetrahymena, Glaucoma, Vorticella, etc.
Colpodea |
Cell division occurs within a reproductive cyst (except Bursaria);
Colpoda, Cyrtolophosis, etc.
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Cell body with long and short flagella.
Chrysophyceae |
With or without chloroplasts;
chloroplast yellowish green or yellowish brown due to a large amount of beta carotin and xanthophyll,
also cotains chlorophyll a and c;
Dinobryon, Synura, etc.
Xanthophyceae |
Similar to Chrysophyceae, but lacks fucoxanthin (a brown carotenoid pigment);
Vaucheria, etc.
Raphidophyceae |
Gonyostomum, etc.
Bacillariophyceae |
Cell body covered with siliceous cell wall having numerous small pores;
Centrales radially symmetrical, Pennales laterally symmetrical with or without central groove.
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Cell body with chloroplasts containing chlorophyll a and b.
Chlorophyceae |
This group may or may not include Charophyceae.
Chlamydomonas, Volvox, Pediastrum, Scenedesmus, Oedogonium, etc.
Ulvophyceae |
Ulothrix, etc.
Charophyceae |
This group may or may not include Gamophyceae.
Gamophyceae |
Sexual reproduction (conjugation) is known.
Mougeotia, Zygnema, Spirogyra, Closterium, Cosmarium, etc.
Trebouxiophyceae |
Microthamnion, Trebouxia
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